Source code for volumentations.augmentations.functional

import numpy as np

def scale(points, scale_factor=(1, 1, 1)):
    transformation_matrix = np.eye(3)
    np.fill_diagonal(transformation_matrix, scale_factor)
    points[:, :3] =[:, :3], transformation_matrix)
    return points

[docs]def rotate_around_axis(points, axis, angle, center_point=None): """ Return the rotation matrix associated with counterclockwise rotation about the given axis by angle in radians. """ if center_point is None: center_point = points[:, :3].mean(axis=0).astype(points[:, :3].dtype) axis = axis / np.sqrt(, axis)) a = np.cos(angle / 2.0) b, c, d = -axis * np.sin(angle / 2.0) aa, bb, cc, dd = a * a, b * b, c * c, d * d bc, ad, ac, ab, bd, cd = b * c, a * d, a * c, a * b, b * d, c * d rotation_matrix = np.array( [ [aa + bb - cc - dd, 2 * (bc + ad), 2 * (bd - ac)], [2 * (bc - ad), aa + cc - bb - dd, 2 * (cd + ab)], [2 * (bd + ac), 2 * (cd - ab), aa + dd - bb - cc], ] ) points[:, :3] = points[:, :3] - center_point points[:, :3] =[:, :3], rotation_matrix.T) points[:, :3] = points[:, :3] + center_point return points
def crop(points, x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max): if x_max <= x_min or y_max <= y_min or z_max <= z_min: raise ValueError( "We should have x_min < x_max and y_min < y_max and z_min < z_max. But we got" " (x_min = {x_min}, y_min = {y_min}, z_min = {z_min}," " x_max = {x_max}, y_max = {y_max}, z_max = {z_max})".format( x_min=x_min, x_max=x_max, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, z_min=z_min, z_max=z_max, ) ) inds = np.all( [ (points[:, 0] >= x_min), (points[:, 0] < x_max), (points[:, 1] >= y_min), (points[:, 1] < y_max), (points[:, 2] >= z_min), (points[:, 2] < z_max), ], axis=0, ) return inds def center(points, origin=(0, 0, 0)): points[:, :3] -= origin + points[:, :3].mean(axis=0) return points def move(points, offset=(0, 0, 0)): points[:, :3] = points[:, :3] + offset return points def flip_coordinates(points, axis): axis = np.argmax(axis) coord_max = np.max(points[:, axis]) points[:, axis] = coord_max - points[:, axis] return points